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Scholar in Residence

Please note that because of COVID-19, we have
cancelled our Scholar-in-Residence Weekend for this April.
We are hoping to reschedule for the fall. 

Scholar-in-Residence Weekend
April 17-19, 2020

Please join us as we welcome
Father John Pawlikowski
as our Scholar-in-Residence.

Father Pawlikowski will be speaking on Friday evening, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning.

We look forward to having him with us and hope you will be able
to join us at one or all of the following events:  

  • Friday, April 17, 7:30 p.m. - Winnetka Community House
    (620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka)
Thinking About God and Human Responsibility Today
Please join us for our Weekly Shabbat Service at which Father Pawlikowski will be our guest speaker. An oneg will follow our service.
  • Saturday, April 18, 7:00 p.m. - Home of Harriet and Stan Rosenthal
    (745 Sunset Court, Deerfield)
Caring for Creation--How the Jewish Tradition Can Help Christianity
Join Father Pawlikowski for this lecture and discussion. The program will begin with a short Havdallah service to end Shabbat and will be followed by a potluck dessert. Please bring something sweet or savory to share!
  • Sunday, April 19, 10:35 a.m. - Takiff Center
    (999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe)
New Perspectives on the early Christian-Jewish Relationship
Father Pawlikowski will teach our Sunday Morning Adult Study class. All are invited.
Father John Pawlikowski is a member of the Order of Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) and was ordained at the University of St. Mary of the Lake. He has a BA from Loyola University, a PhD from the University of Chicago, is Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics and the Former Director of the Catholic-Jewish Studies Program at the Catholic Theological Union (CTU). One of the founding faculty members of the CTU, he served on the faculty from 1968 until his retirement in 2017. Father Pawlikowski has been an active participant in the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue as well as the wider interreligious dialogue for nearly fifty years. He served for six years as President of the International Council of Christians and Jews and has served several terms on the board of the Parliament of the World’s Religions. He was deeply involved in the development of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, having served four terms on its board by presidential appointment. On the social ethics front, Father Pawlikowski has worked with the Office of Justice & Peace at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops on its Energy Statement and its Pastoral Letter of the Economy. He has been a participant in three United Nations international conferences on world peace, on alternative energy, and on human trafficking. He was a member of the U.S. governmental team that negotiated the termination of the United Nations Trusteeship for Micronesia. In 2014 the Catholic Theological Society of America conferred on Father Pawlikowski its annual John Courtney Murray Award. He was awarded fellowships by Cambridge University (UK), The Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), and the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, CA) and awarded Honorary Doctorates by Hebrew Union College, Dominican University, and the Catholic University of Australia. He is the author of more than fifteen books.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784