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Shabbat at the Beach

Next summer (2021), bring a blanket and/or lawn chairs
along with family and friends of all ages, and
join us at the beach for Shabbat Services!
2021 Dates TBA Soon!
7:00 PM (note early start time)
Elder Lane Beach, Winnetka
(Sheridan Road at Elder Lane)
Services will be followed by a frozen treat oneg!

If you would like to join us for dinner before services,

bring a blanket/chairs and picnic for your family/friends at 5:45 PM.
We will eat dinner at the park above the beach where there
is a grassy area and a playground.

Don't miss this special Hakafa tradition!
In case of rain, dinner will be cancelled and our service
will take place at the Winnetka Community House.

This event is open to the greater community.
If you know of someone who might be interested
in Hakafa, please encourage them to attend.
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785