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Weekly Tanach Study

All Hakafa members are invited to join Rabbi Elder for one of our two weekly Tanach study sessions. Each week (except for the last week of the month) we proceed through the Bible, verse by verse, discussing its content and various interpretations with Rabbi Elder.

Please be sure to check the website calendar and/or monthly newsletter and weekly email for any days our Tanach Study groups will NOT meet.

Tuesday Evening Tanach Study
Tanach Study meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:45 PM via Zoom only. On the first Tuesday of each month, it meets both in-person in Glencoe AND via Zoom. Contact Rona for in-person location details. 

Tuesday Evening Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 662 730 822
To Dial-In (no video): 312-626-6799

Wednesday Afternoon Tanach Study
Tanach Study meets on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 to 2:30 PM in-person in Glencoe  AND via Zoom.. Contact Rona for in-person location details. 

Wednesday Afternoon Zoom Link: 
Meeting ID: 813 358 443
To Dial-In (no video): 312-626-6799

Fri, January 24 2025 24 Tevet 5785