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B'nai Mitzvah at Hakafa

Becoming a b'nai mitzvah is a way of bringing our children into the circle known as Hakafa. Attendance at Friday night worship services and participation in our Hebrew Program are strongly encouraged. Families choose a tutor and are given the opportunity to participate in workshops, led by Rabbi Elder, that are geared to assist in the creation of an individual, unique B'nai Mitzvah service prayer book. In addition, as part of the Religious School instruction in the seventh grade year is a "mitzvah curriculum." 

Click here for a copy of Hakafa's B'nai Mitzvah Guide.

Click here for a copy of
Hakafa's B'nai Mitzvah Workshop and Workshop Service Dates for 2024-25.


Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785