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Religious Education Program

Click here for this year's school registration packet.

Religious/Hebrew/High School Education is offered FREE OF CHARGE to current members of Congregation Hakafa as we believe that the education of our children is an integral part of who we are as a community.

Our Religious School Program takes place at the Glencoe Park District's Takiff Center on Sunday mornings from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  It is an experienced-based and age-appropriate program that incorporates students’ interests, talents, and learning styles in order to positively engage them in Jewish life. 

Core Curriculum
Students will be grouped into mixed-grade classes for weekly core curriculum delivered through hands-on lessons that inspire deeper thinking and discussion. In addition, all students will learn and experience cultural aspects of Judaism through art, dance, cooking, music, social action, and other special activities throughout the year.

Hebrew Education:
Students in Grades 3-7 will also participate in our Hebrew School Program on Tuesday afternoons. Our Hebrew curriculum focuses on language acquisition with emphasis on reading fluency, basic conversation, and applications to Torah study and Jewish life. (See Hebrew Program details below.)

Tikkun Olam Activities:
All students will periodically come together to learn about the Jewish perspective on current issues and actively engage in Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) as a united school community.

Special Off-Site Family Programs:
Twice each semester our students and parents will join us for fun educational outings during Religious School hours at different sites throughout Chicago. These programs will also be open to families with school-aged children from the greater Jewish community. 

HEBREW SCHOOL (Grades 3-7):
Our Hebrew School Program takes place at the Glencoe Park District's Takiff Center on Tuesday afternoons from 4:15 to 5:30 PM. Hakafa’s Hebrew curriculum focuses on language acquisition with emphasis on reading fluency, basic conversation, prayer mastery, and applications to Torah study and Jewish life.

Weekly Worship Service:
o    In order to build our Hebrew School community, each week all students will participate in our Hebrew School worship service with Rabbi Elder and Rabbi Calamaro. 

Class Time:
o    In addition to the weekly worship service, students in Grades 3-6 will be grouped by grade level and will be taught by our staff of expert Hebrew teachers each Tuesday. 
o    Students in Grade 7 will meet to study Torah with Rabbi Elder and Rabbi Calamaro each Tuesday, in addition to participating in the weekly worship service.

B’nai Mitzvah Preparation:
o    In addition to Hebrew School, students preparing for b’nai mitzvah (6th and/or 7th graders) will work with a private tutor. Please speak with Bibi Patt or Rabbi Elder for information about selecting a tutor. 
o    B’nai mitzvah tutoring fees are paid directly to the b’nai mitzvah tutor by the student’s family.
o    An informational meeting about becoming a b’nai mitzvah at Hakafa has been scheduled for September 15, 2024 at 12:15 PM at the Takiff Center.
o    Rabbi Elder offers a series of 4 workshops and a Saturday Shabbat service for families to learn about the rubrics of Jewish prayer. The meaning behind the prayers and the structure of the service will be covered in depth. By the end of this series, families should have the tools by which they can more easily compile a service for their own b’nai mitzvah celebration.

Our High School Program, taught by our clergy and professional staff, is designed to help our 9th-12th graders gain knowledge and skills as community leaders while they grow into Jewish adulthood and become active, voting members of our congregation while having fun along the way. Click here for details and dates for this year’s High School program

•    We kick off our program with an all-day retreat in September for all 9th-12th graders.
•    Students in 9th through 12th grades meet four times a year on Sunday late afternoons (4:00-6:15 PM). These four sessions incorporate educational/cultural programming and dinner with all 9th-12th grade students together. 
•    All high school students (grades 9-12) will meet two times during the year to do social action and/or community projects/outings. The second project/outing is planned by the students.
•    All high school students (grades 9-12) have the opportunity to participate in an educational out-of-town trip each year.
•    In addition to all of the above, our 12th grade program varies slightly as they prepare for Confirmation at the end of the year. 

o    Confirmation students will have extended class time until 6:30 PM (during the four class times) to focus on issues specific to becoming an independent Jewish adult. 
o    They will also participate in a senior-specific workshop and two Confirmation service prep sessions toward the end of the year. 

Parent involvement is welcome and encouraged through a variety of programs and projects. We have a Religious Education Committee made up of any parents who are interested in participating. In addition, teacher/parent communication is ongoing throughout the year. 

If you would like to speak with Bibi Patt, our Director of Education, please feel free to contact her at

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785