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Weekly Shabbat Service and Oneg

Please join us at 7:30 PM (unless otherwise noted) on Fridays for weekly Kabbalat Shabbat Services.

Our Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat Services take place in-person at the Winnetka Community House (620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka) AND via Zoom, except for the last Friday of each month when it is held via Zoom only.

Our Services from June through July will take place OUTDOORS at the North Shore United Methodist Church (213 Hazel Avenue, Glencoe) AND via Zoom, except for the last Friday of each month when it is held via Zoom only. If the weather does not cooperate when we are in-person, we will meet indoors at the church. 

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 292 137 266
To Dial-In (no video): 312-626-6799

For those participating via Zoom, go to this link for a copy of our Friday Evening Siddur (prayer book). You should either print it out ahead of time or have it up on another screen during our service.

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All Friday evening services are followed by an oneg. Hosting a Friday evening Oneg Shabbat is a wonderful way to honor the memory of a loved one on his/her yahrzeit or to celebrate a b’nai mitzvah, birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion with the congregation. Volunteers are needed to host our weekly Onegs! 

Click here for all of the details needed to host.

To volunteer to host, sign up online at this link or by contacting Gayle Inbinder and Jill Mihailovic-Sternberg. You can also contact Gayle and Jill for more details.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785