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Membership at Congregation Hakafa

We are happy you are considering membership at Hakafa and look forward to the opportunity to welcome you into our encirclement.

Hakafa does no fundraising, so we rely solely on the yearly financial commitments of our members to pay for the programs of our congregation.

Hakafa was founded with an expectation that budgeted expenses would be equal to the financial support of its members. Dividing the total budget among the number of member units establishes the level of financial commitment that would sustain Hakafa’s programs if every member unit paid the same amount. The congregation set this sustaining amount at $3,050 for 2024-2025.

Congregation membership includes FREE Religious School/Hebrew School/High School, as the education of our children is an integral part of the services we provide. 

We encourage our members to value our circle by providing the greatest level of financial support that they can. Our bylaws state that all members should help “ relation to their individual or family financial capabilities.” No one is denied a place in our Hakafa community because of financial concerns, nor do we require disclosure of anyone’s finances. 

We rely on the generosity of members with greater financial resources to give above the sustaining amount to ensure that we are able to run our congregation. Your extra help will be greatly appreciated.

Whatever you give to Hakafa, we are grateful for your interest in belonging to our circle.

How to Join Hakafa and Register for School
To join Hakafa, click on the Membership Packet link below to open. If you plan to register students in our Religious School, High School, and/or Hebrew School, you will also need to click on the School Enrollment Packet link. Then, print, complete, and mail your forms to the Hakafa office (Congregation Hakafa, P.O. Box 409, Glencoe, IL 60022). 

Download our Membership Packet/Form

If applicable, download the 2024-25 School Enrollment Packet 
To register for school, you can use the registration form found in the packet
OR go to this link to register online.

Questions and/or Additional Information
If you have any questions or would like any additional information, please feel free to contact Beth McCullough, our Vice President and Membership Chair, Rona Elder, our Administrator, Ellen Criz, our President, Adam Blonsky, our Membership Treasurer, Rabbi Bruce Elder, or Rabbi Anna Calamaro.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784